Renters Insurance

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If you are one of the thousands of locals renting in Boise, ensure that all your belongings are protected with renters insurance. At Boise Insurance Guy, we provide our clients with renters insurance plans that fit their needs. Not all landlords require their tenants to sign up for renters insurance, but it is an affordable way to ensure you and your belongings are covered.

Though you may not own the space you reside in, you own all of your possessions. Just like if you were to own your own home, your belongings inside your residence should be protected by renters insurance.

Not only does renters insurance cover your belongings, but it also gives you coverage in case someone is injured in your rental and files a claim against you. Your finances are protected against these claims with renters insurance.

Give us a call today to get your free estimates for renters insurance by the Boise Insurance Guy!