Home Insurance

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Home insurance is all about having a safety net in the case of an emergency. At Boise Insurance Guy, we will work to get to know you and your needs as a homeowner to develop the right home insurance plan for you. We are committed to providing our clients with quality home insurance so all aspects of their lives are covered.

Your home is one of your most valuable assets; unfortunately, you can’t always plan when disaster strikes. Home insurance can save your family thousands in these situations, allowing you to repair your home without financial strain.

We offer several variations of home insurance available to our customers:

family in home

Dwelling Coverage: Covers the primary home on the property

Other Structure Protection: Covers the additional structures around your home, such as a detached garage, fences, sheds, etc.

Contents: Covers your personal belongings after damage. Items under this coverage may include televisions, computers, furniture, clothing, and even food. Some types of contents have to be added individually to the policy. If you own anything rare or valuable, please contact us about covering it immediately. Some examples of these are firearms, jewelry, artwork, and musical instruments. Don’t guess if something is covered, call us today and we will help.

Liability: If you accidentally harm or damage someone or their property, this plan can help cover the expenses and protect you from any legal claims against you.

Additional Living Expense: If you and your family are displaced after a fire, flood, or other covered damage, this insurance plan will cover the expenses of temporary living while your home is repaired.

Call Boise Insurance Guy to get your free home insurance quote today!

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